God teaches His spiritual truth and perfect wisdom through His Word. We also come to know God, His loving nature, and His character through our Lord Jesus Christ. And how fortunate for those who apply His teachings - they learn that His Word is alive, active, healing and perfectly wise!
God teaches us that in whatever it is that we choose to do, we can glorify Him. "And whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." (Colossians 3:17)
At CartoonMinistries.com we are hugely excited to use animation as a vehicle to share His Word and to also thank our Lord for His beauty and generosity. Thank you for visiting CartoonMinistries.com.*
Spread the Word!
*CartoonMinistries.com adds new animations monthly.
CartoonMinistries.com is eager to share with you God's generosity and love with the hopes that you will journey with Him and the Bible as your guide in life.
We can do nothing without God, but everything is possible with Him! We come to know God, His loving nature, and His character by learning and experiencing His Word.
By the Holy Spririt and through passages of scripture, God reveals to us spiritual truth. He teaches us that biblical passages are not just concepts to be memorized, but are encounters with God Himself. When God brings our attention to a particular passage of scripture, that is His invitation to us to apply His wisdom in our life today.
Scripture verses are from The Way - The Living Bible for its modern language.

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